Pastels and Sketches
Pastels and Sketches
This ink drawing celebrates the annual return of the Cape Barren Geese to South Australia from their breeding grounds on the islands. Once they were common across Australia but during the 1800's were hunted to near extinction, now they are a protected species and in the season can be seen in large flocks, breathtaking in their subtle beauty.
The Return
Flashes of beautiful colours in the dry Mallee country, these birds are such a treat to watch.
Mulga Parrots
This piece was drawn in a seven hour stint while camping in the Mallee Country in South Australia. I was drawing my observations of the birds I saw and added a conversation between them and myself. These sketches form the beginning of future lino prints, as I much prefer to draw out in nature than from books or photos.
Bird Blurbs
Birdwatching is a great pleasure, involving equal parts patience, mindfulness and joy! I love the way the birds reveal themselves to me over time.
Amidst the Stillness of Leaves, Secrets Take Flight
Strange Plants